The enduring tale of family, friendship, love, and adventure follows the four March sisters in a new adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s novel. Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy play, quarrel, and dream of their futures in a nation torn apart by the Civil War. Jo, as our storyteller, finds herself at odds with society’s expectations and the things she can achieve as a woman. Navigating hardships and heartbreak, it is a tender, playful coming of age story that generations will find surprising, exciting, and empowering.
Little Women is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection. (www.dramatists.com)
Ticket Information
- Flex Passes are available to customize your RTG experience by picking and choosing the shows and seats that works best for you, plus save money across series! Visit our Subscribe & Save page to learn more.
- $20 for Adults
- $18 for Seniors (62+)
- $15 for Students (21 & under)
- Value Nights: Thurs, October 31 & Thurs, November 7 @ 7 p.m.
- Value Night Tickets: $18 for adults, $16 for seniors, $13 for students
- Further discounts are offered to subscribers and groups of 12 or more.
- Run Time: 2 hours; plus a 15 minute intermission
American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation is planned for the performance on Friday, November 1 at 7:30 p.m. To purchase the seats with the best view of the interpreter, stop by or contact the Box Office at boxoffice@racinetheatre.org or (262) 633-4218.
Natalie Murray: Jo March
Maddie Anderlik: Meg March
Summer Adams: Amy March
Maegan Mansfield: Beth March
Tina Paukstelis: Marmee March
Karen Magee: Hannah/Mrs. Mingott
Emily Mueller: Aunt March/Messenger
Andrew Dorst: Theodore “Laurie” Laurence
Stephen Fletcher: John Brooks/Parrot/Mr. Dashwood
Doug Despin: Mr. Laurence/Robert March/Doctor
Lisa Kornetsky: Director
Sarah Hunt-Frank: Set Design
Ian Anderson: PSM
Lauren Instenes: Stage Manager
Isabella Bullock: ASM
Robert Kroes: Sound Design
Ricardo Morales: Sound Tech
Timothy James Lewis: Light Design
Paul Marquez: Light Tech
Lori Russ: Props Design
Meghan Benson: Props Run
Cynthy McCrory: Costume Design
Stacey Malacara-Flynn: Wardrobe
Jeanne Christensen: Hair/Make-Up
Virginia Mueller: Hair/Make-Up